Our Youth

What is a career anyway?

"A profession or occupation which one trains for and pursues as a life work." Webster's World Dictionary. In other words, a career is your life's work. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO ME? You can get paid working in a job that allows you to use the talents and skills you enjoy. A career allows you to choose how you want to live your life. And, since we all eventually will have to work to support ourselves, why not get paid to do what you enjoy and are good at doing?

Yes You Can

If you like to paint pictures, consider being an artist. "Artist" covers a wide range of careers and includes musician, painters, writers, fashion designers, cartoonists, photographers, adverting executives, publishers, teachers, models...the list could go on but you get the point.

HAVE YOU...ever been involved in doing something and heard someone say, "You are a natural at that or, "You have a real talent for that?" Have you ever said, "I wish I could do X for the rest of my life," or, "If I could really be what I want, I would do ...."


If you enjoy building things, talking, being in charge, telling jokes, helping others, figuring out how "it" works (or how it should work), then there is a career for you. Have you ever considered what you can do with a biology degree? A math degree? A law degree? An English degree? These career choices may surprise you too!

Are you reading this and thinking right now that this is impossible? Then check out the latest articles on our blog Information Pathways.  There you will find information on applying for 2015 Summer Co-Op/Internship Programs.


Why Footsteps…

Why Footsteps to Follow? You will get access to people who had the same thoughts, dreams and doubts that you are having now and made it happen. They are ordinary people who are leading extraordinary lives. Talk directly to the people who work in the jobs you want, or can maybe steer you in a direction you had never considered. Get honest answers to your questions about how they got there and what exactly they do at work.

Why is it important to me?

With a career you get to choose how you want to live your life. Also, along the road to your success, you will work at a variety of jobs and in a number of professions or industries. Why not get paid to do what you enjoy and are good at doing. Yes, you can!

diverse occupations

FTF Graduation Speeched 024-2 

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